Anming Dong (董安明)

Ph.D./Associate Professor

Department of Internet of Things (IoT),

School of Computer Science and Technology,

Qilu University of Technology

No.3501,Daxue Rd, Changqing District, Jinan, Shandong Province, P. R. China

Office: RM.427, Information Building



Biography |Research|Links| Teaching |Book|Publications | Patents | Grants |Awards| Services | Chinese Version


Biography: [top]

I received the B.E. degree in Electrical Information Engineering from Liaocheng University in 2004, the M.E. degree in Communication and Information Systems from Lanzhou University in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree in Communication and Information Systems from Shandong University in 2016. Since Jul. 2016, I have been with the School of Computer Science and Technology, Qilu University of Technology, Jinan, Shandong, China.


Research Interests: [top]

l  MIMO wireless communications

l  Noncovex optimization methods for wireless systems

l  Signal processing for communications

l  Machine Learning for wireless communications


Academic Links: [top]


l  ResearchGate

l  GoogleSchor


l  Github


Teaching: [top]

l  Undergraduate Courses

ü  Circuits and Electronics, Fall Semester, 2016-2020, (80 hours theory & 16 hours experiments)

ü  Principle and Application of Embedded System (Based on ARM Cortex M3 MCU), Spring Semester, 2017/2018, Fall Semester, 2019, (48 hours theory & 32 hours experiments)

ü  Internet of things Engineering and Practice, Spring Semester, 2019/2020, (16 hours theory & 2 weeks practice)

l  Postgraduate Courses

ü  Frontier Lecturer on Information technology, Spring Semester, 2017-2020, (4 hours)


Book Chapter: [top]

[1]    Anming Dong and Haixia Zhang* (October 17th 2019). Transceiver Design for Wireless Power Transfer for Multiuser MIMO Communication Systems, Recent Wireless Power Transfer Technologies, Pedro Pinho, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.89676. Available from:


Journal Publications: [top]

[1]    Ruina Mao, Jiguo Yu, Anming Dong*, Yue Wang, Baogui Huang. Power Control for SISO Interference Channel Networks Based on Successive Convex Approximation, submitted to EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Feb. 2020. Online Available:

[2]    Zhongyi Jin, Anming Dong*, Minglei Shu*, Yinglong Wang. Sparse ECG Denoising with Generalized Minimax Concave Penalty. Sensors, vol.19, no.7, 1-21, Apr. 2019.

[3]    Xiao Wang, You Zhou, Minglei Shu*, Yinglong Wang and Anming Dong, "ECG Baseline Wander Correction and Denoising Based on Sparsity," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 31573-31585, Mar. 2019.

[4]    Anming Dong, Haixia Zhang*, Minglei Shu and Dongfeng Yuan, "Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer for MIMO Interference Channel Networks Based on Interference Alignment," Entropy, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 484-509, Sept. 2017.

[5]    Haixia Zhang*, Anming Dong, Shi Jin, and Dongfeng Yuan, "Joint Transceiver and Power Splitting Optimization for Multiuser MIMO SWIPT under MSE QoS Constraints," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologyvol. 66, no. 8, pp. 7123-7135, Aug. 2017.

[6]    Anming Dong, Haixia Zhang*, Dongfeng Yuan and Xiaotian Zhou, "Interference Alignment Transceiver Design by Minimizing the Maximum Mean Square Error for MIMO Interfering Broadcast Channel," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 6024-6037, Aug. 2016.

[7]    Anming Dong, Haixia Zhang*, Xiaotian Zhou and Dongfeng Yuan, "On Analytical Achievable Rate for MIMO Linear Interference Alignment with Imperfect CSI", Wireless Personal Communications (WPC) , vol.95, no. 2, pp.1189–1214, July 2017.

[8]    Anming Dong, Haixia Zhang*, and Dongfeng Yuan, "Probabilistic Constraint Robust Transceiver Design for MIMO Interference Channel Networks," Journal of Communications (JCM), vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 340-348, April. 2016.

[9]    Sufang Li, Mingyan Jiang*, Anming Dong, and Dongfeng Yuan, "Adaptive sub-channel allocation based on hopfield neural network for multiuser OFDM," Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 215, pp. 243-252, 2014.

[10] Sufang Li, Mingyan Jiang*, Anming Dong, and Dongfeng Yuan, "Adaptive Subcarrier, Bit and Power Allocation Based on Hopfield Neural Network for Multiuser OFDM," Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 325, pp. 1706-1711, 2013.


Conference Publications: [top]

[1]    Lihui Wang, Anming Dong*, Kan Yu. “Distance-Aware Power Allocation for Multi-user MIMO-NOMA Systems Based on Grouped Zero-Forcing Beamforming,” in Proc. IIKI, Oct. 2019.

[2]    Yue Yan, Anming Dong*, Haili Zheng and Yi Sun. “      Privacy-Preserving Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Truthful Online Double Auction Mechanism,” in Proc. IIKI, Oct. 2019.

[3]    Yan Chen, Anming Dong* and Yi Sun. “Road-Condition-Aware Dynamic Path Planning for Intelligent Vehicles,” in Proc. IIKI, Oct. 2019.

[4]    Mengling Liu, Kan Yu*, Yajing Li, Anming Dong and Penghua Zhen. “Relay and Jammer Selection Scheme in Wireless Networks with the Statistical Information of Multiple Eavesdropping Channels,” in Proc. IIKI, Oct. 2019.

[5]    Tian, Jie*, Haixia Zhang, Dianjie Lu, Xiaotian Zhou, Anming Dong, and Xiangwei Zheng. "Stochastic Access Scheme for Delay Sensitive Applications in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks." In Proceedings of the 10th EAI International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications, pp. 314-320,  2017.

[6]    Anming Dong, Haixia Zhang, Dalei Wu, and Dongfeng Yuan, "QoS-Constrained Transceiver Design and Power Splitting for Downlink Multiuser MIMO SWIPT Systems," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 23–27 May 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1-6.

[7]    Anming Dong, Haixia Zhang, Dalei Wu, and Dongfeng Yuan, "Logarithmic Expectation of the Sum of Exponential Random Variables for Wireless Communication Performance Evaluation," in Proc. IEEE 82th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 6–9 Sept. 2015, Boston, USA, pp. 1-5.

[8]    Anming Dong, Haixia Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan, "Achievable Rate Improvement Through Channel Prediction for Interference Alignment," in Proc. 19th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), 29-31 Aug. 2013, Bali, Indonesia, pp.293-298.


Patents: [top]

[1]    Anming Dong, Sufang Li, Fapeng Yu and Minglei Shu. A low noise charge amplifier used for piezoelectric sensor, Chinese Patent, ZL201821490287.0, 2018.

[2]    Minglei Shu, Xiao Wang, Yinglong Wang, Qing Zhu, Meihong Yang, Ming Yang and Anming Dong. A method for  ECG baseline wandering elimination based on sparse matrix, Chinese Patent, ZL 201810568551.6, 2018.


Grants: [top]

[1]    National Key R&D Program of China (2019YFB2102602), Cleaning and Extraction of Low Value Density Data in Smart City. 2019.12-2021.11.

[2]    National Natural Science Foundation of China (61701269), Transceiver Design for Multi-user MIMO  Based on Successive Convex Approximation, 2018.01-2020.12.

[3]    Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (ZR2017BF012), Transceiver Design for MIMO Interference Channel Networks Based on Successive Convex Approximation, 2017.08-2019.12


Awards: [top]


[1]    Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Shandong Province, Oct. 2017

[2]    Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Shandong University, Sept. 2017

[3]    ACM Jinan Section Rising Star, Oct. 2017


Services: [top]

l  IEEE Member/ ACM Member/ CCF Member

l  Reviewers for IEEE TWC/TVT/SPL/WCL/CL, IEEE ICC/Globecom/WCNC, etc.